
Book of Comfort and Healing

Help Hospitals

25% off sale is extended 2 additional weeks to allow your NEW Assembly to consult on how you can help hospitals deal with the stress of the pandemic. A few weeks ago, I told you about a call from a hospital chaplain. She was in a bit of a panic. Her hospital was on lock-down. Family and friends were not allowed to visit patients, and even she and the other chaplains were having to keep their distance. Patients needed something spiritually uplifting to help them cope.  How fast could we get a case of The Interfaith Book of Comfort and Healing sent to […]

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Why Me – Again

This week, I’m posting the very end of the book, where I explore why and how God tests humanity as a whole, as He is right now. After that, I end by giving you permission to be angry or upset with God. No matter how logical my explanations for suffering might be, it still hurts. It is OK to be upset. God understands. Testing Humanity All of the different kinds of tests that I have discussed in relation to us as individuals, also apply to humanity as a whole.  God motivates and guides individuals, groups, nations and races; allows us

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Why Me? A spiritual guild to growing through tests

Why Me?

The book Why Me? continues to be relevant as we struggle through these challenging times. Why does God test humanity, and why do innocent people have to suffer in the process? The following is an excerpt from the last chapter of my book. It addresses the question of why innocent people suffer. Next week I will address the question of how and why God sends tests to humanity as a whole. Why Us, Why Them? There is only one question that is more difficult to answer than the one we began with [why do bad things happen to us], and that is the

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A Gift of Prayers

Gift of Prayerss

Twenty-five years ago, Karen and I published our first edition of A Gift of Prayers. Since that time, it has sold well over 250,000 copies, and has been published in six different editions (including one in Italian).  To celebrate its Silver Anniversary, we are reducing the price by 25% between now and July 9th. And it couldn’t come at a better time. The world is in more need of prayers now than at any time since the last World War. Many people of different faiths and no faith at all are becoming open to ideas and possibilities that they never imagined

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Quarantine Stress

Karen and I have been living and working together 24/7 for over 20 years, so this “stay at home” thing is not much of a change for us. But for many couples and families, the quarantine is creating new stresses – either because you feel isolated, or because you feel like you have no “alone” time, or, oddly, both at the same time. Here are some books and resources that might help. And yes, although we are not “essential” we are still in operation because we can do our work without leaving home except to drop off a tub of

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Interfaith book of comfort & healing

Can you help your local hospital?

On Monday we got a call from a hospital administrator. She was in a bit of a panic. Her hospital was on lock-down. Family and friends were not allowed to visit patients, and even the chaplains were having to keep their distance. Patients needed something spiritually uplifting to help them cope.  How fast could we get a case of The Interfaith Book of Comfort and Healing sent to her? If your Baha’i Community could donate a supply of this powerful compilation to your local hospital, it could really help. To encourage you to do this, we are putting it on sale at

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During Quarantine

When you are tired of TV and your eyes are blurry from reading, here are some games and activities you can use to pass the time. BTW: We are taking special care to wash before packing orders. I’m checking my temperature every morning. If anything changes, I’ll stop sending out orders. Scrabinoes, our word-matching game that uses Baha’i quotations, can be played by one, two or more people. Play to increase your score, or play to create the tightest grid pattern possible. It will keep your mind active while surrounding you with the uplifting and reassuring message of the Writings.  Coloring is a

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All Prayer Beads come with velvet pouch, prayer book and instructions.


During the Fast, many people rededicate themselves to saying Allah-u-Abha 95 times every day. That’s why every year or two, we put our prayer beads on sale at this time. Use coupon code 95BEADS at checkout to receive a 15% discount on prayer beads between now and Naw-Ruz. Don’t forget that our greeting cards are also on sale until Naw-Ruz at 20% off with coupon code CARDS. Last year, Karen had just finished stringing several new styles of prayer beads. Scroll down to see some of the new ones, or click here to see them all.  With 21 different stones to choose from, there is

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Greeting Cards

My envelope supplier went out of business, but before they did, they put all of their envelopes on sale. So I’ve switched out boring white envelopes for festive color envelopes for most of my Holiday and Note Cards – including my Star Naw-Ruz card that matches our flags and holiday ribbon. To celebrate the upgrade, I’m putting everything on my Greeting Card page on sale for 20% off WITH A COUPON. The Coupon code is CARDS. Just type it in to the coupon box when you get to the shopping cart. (Coupon expires at Naw-Ruz.) The Fast is a wonderful time to remember friends

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Last Minute Thoughts

If you order in the next few hours, and choose “priority mail” then your order will go out tomorrow morning and be delivered Thursday or Friday – but that is not guaranteed. Nothing in life is guaranteed except God’s love. Have a great holiday. New this week, we’ve brightened up our Ayyam-i-Ha cards with hot pink and/or translucent raspberry envelopes. They really make the cards feel festive. I am NOT expecting to run out of the cards, but I may run out of the blue Ayyam-i-Ha ribbon. To encourage you to buy the white instead, I’ve reduced the price. Illumine My

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Time Time Time – is running out out out

The most important thing we will run out of… is time. Don’t wait to order. Our Post Office closes at 11:am, so we pack orders in the afternoon for the next day. That means that order placed late on Thursday don’t go out until Monday. We use USPS Priority Mail for any order over one pound, and that takes 2-3 days in transit. That means Monday’s mail is delivered on Wednesday or Thursday. So an order placed late this Thursday could arrive the following Thursday (the 2nd day of Ayyam-i-Ha, but before the weekend). It is simple math. So don’t

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Deluxe 145-Piece ABC Character Building Blocks

Blocks for building virtues

Want to give a gift that keeps on giving? The gift of learning about virtues will guide children for the rest of their lives. We have many items that are both appropriate for any recipient, and that reflect the principles and virtues that we love. From virtue cards to, uplifting jewelry to crayons, we can elevate your gift giving at any price point. The most obvious collection of universally appropriate materials can be found on our “Virtues Promotion Materials” page. There you will find our Virtues Reflection Cards, coloring books and Character Building Blocks for individual gifts, and our Virtues Coins, which

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