A Gift of Prayers

Gift of Prayerss

Twenty-five years ago, Karen and I published our first edition of A Gift of Prayers. Since that time, it has sold well over 250,000 copies, and has been published in six different editions (including one in Italian).  To celebrate its Silver Anniversary, we are reducing the price by 25% between now and July 9th. And it couldn’t come at a better time.

A Gift of Prayers
A Gift of Prayers

The world is in more need of prayers now than at any time since the last World War. Many people of different faiths and no faith at all are becoming open to ideas and possibilities that they never imagined before. People everywhere are beginning to realize the importance of unity, of community, and yes, of faith and prayer.

A Gift of Prayers is exactly what many people are looking for. Along with the 80 short prayers, they will find two dozen short quotations from the Writings that capture the spirit of the Faith and its teachings.

And right now, the original 4×6 edition is 25% off in all quantities. That makes the case of 265 books only $199.00, or 75¢ each. A  pack of 40 is only $37.50 or less than 94¢ each.

Think that you can’t give these out while you are in quarantine? That’s why we also sell A6 envelopes to go with these. It costs 70¢ to mail these in the US. While supplies last, we will be sending beautiful ivory-colored envelopes with your prayer book envelope orders, instead of the usual white.

And of course, this isolation won’t last forever, but the sale ends in July, so get them now and then spend the next few months planning ways to give them away when you get to go out again.

gift of prayers deluxe
gift of prayers deluxe

If you need something even nicer, consider our Deluxe Edition (BKT-GDP). It has the same prayers on the same pages, but is printed on cream paper and has a foil-stamped cover and square binding for more of a “book” feel.
(Note: these do not fit in our A6 envelopes.)

Prayers - Deluxe large print
Prayers – Deluxe large print

As our community (and seekers) age, it is nice to have a large-print prayer book to share with people. Our new deluxe Large Print Edition is also printed on cream-colored paper with 16-point type for easy reading. It is page-for-page identical to our smaller editions, so everyone can literally be on the same page.

Interfaith Book of Comfort and Healing
Interfaith Book of Comfort and Healing

Don’t forget: If your Baha’i Community would like to donate a supply of  The Interfaith Book of Comfort and Healing  to your local hospital, it would really help them deal with the stress of this emergency. To encourage you to do this, we are putting it on sale at 25% off until the first of May.
Go to the above link and place an order using coupon code “donation99.” That will get you 25%off on your order until May 1st.  (That makes them less than $1 each by the case.)

NOTE: the hospital I wrote about two weeks ago just ordered their second case of Comfort Books. Clearly, they are “exactly what they needed.”

Our location

Just so you don’t worry about us, we understand that we are not an “essential service” but we do feel that the world desperately needs our materials right now.
We work from home and have gone over two weeks without outside contact except for dropping orders off at the Post Office. We are taking every precaution possible to stay safe and to keep your packages clean and safe.
If anything changes, we will let you know.

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