Newest Products

Our goal is to create an average of two unique new products every month of every year. But lately we’ve been averaging five times that, with over 250 new products in the last two years. Plus, we distribute a few products from other publishers and friends, and we reprint old products that have gone out of stock. The only way to keep up with it all is to stop by here every few months to see what’s new. Each time we produce a new product, or make changes to an old favorite, we’ll list it here.

Have you seen a new product that we don’t carry? The Baha’i Community is producing a dizzying array of new books and products every year. Like your old-fashioned community bookstore, we try to stay on top of new titles and offer the best to you. If you know of something we should have and don’t, let us know.

Showing 1–80 of 114 results

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