In addition to all of the Bicentenary materials we created this year, we also designed four new T-shirts (posted next week), two tools for helping people stay calm, two new buttons, a garden flag, a virtues coloring book, two card games, assorted jewelry, and several new prayer beads. So if you are looking for a gift that you know they didn’t get last year, check out the new products described below, or just go to our New Products Page and see them all. If you don’t care if it is new, visit our Gift Ideas for Children page or our Gift Ideas for Adults page where you will find our favorite gift ideas from the last 39 years.

Our big new product last year was supposed to be our new Animals Building Character Coloring & Activities Book, but the printer missed the deadline, and it came out right AFTER the holidays. That means that very few of the kids in your community have seen this.
It is designed to engage a wide range of interests and ages. Sure, it has delightful pages to color, but the activities include mazes, word searches, quotations, jokes, music education, animal facts, and much more. It took over a year to develop, and is designed to keep kids occupied for weeks.

Also arriving right AFTER the holidays last year was our unique Baha’i word-matching game called Scrabinoes. It is played like a cross between dominoes and Scrabble. You lay cards down beside cards with at least one word in common, and earn points depending on how many words match, and what their point value is.
Don’t confuse it with our Flash of Inspiration flash card game that came out right BEFORE the holidays. It is a game to help you memorize some of the best-loved quotations from the Writings. You can play it alone or in a group.
You might want to order both of these games early so you can play them at your parties.

Perhaps the most unique and spiritually significant product I’ve ever created is Cuddlebunny’s Comfort Coins. It is more than just a fluffy toy. It is a simple system to help kids (and adults) learn to regulate their emotions – that is, to calm themselves when they are angry our upset, assure themselves when they are afraid, feel good about themselves when they make a mistake, and feel loved when they are lonely.
They combine three scientifically proven tools for doing this – soft tactile stimulation, repetitive motion, and affirmations.
They aren’t just for stressed-out kids (though who isn’t these days?) they can help anyone, including adults, to feel better.
For adults who don’t want or need the fuzzy Cuddlebunny, we also created Adult Affirmation Comfort Coins that include an expanded set of seven affirmation coins for more challenging situations.
Both sets are affordable and make great community gifts.