Unit Convention

The Bicentenary Celebration is less than 7 weeks away but Unit Conventions are almost upon us.  Make Convention special by giving out Bicentenary-themed gifts in the convention packet.

Click on any of the links or pictures to see all of our Bicentenary materials, from pamphlets to party booklets, from pens to posters.

Important Reminder: We do not do consignment orders for Convention. (Sorry, it just costs us too much time and money.) If you order more than you need, there is a 10% restocking fee, and all returned goods must be  in good shape and in the original pack size and packaging (if applicable). Bicentenary materials cannot be returned after Convention.

For example, every year many communities give out our “Flowers of One Garden” pens (see below). This year, you could upgrade to a Bicentenary pen instead. I’ve just put them on sale.
I’ve lowered the price on these just in time to use for Convention gifts.
Commemorative Medallions 
were very popular two years ago. These are silver instead of gold-colored to distinguish them from the others. They will be a durable memento of this special occasion.  I only have a few hundred left, and there isn’t time to reprint, so they will be gone soon. 
Obviously, you can’t give a lapel pin to everyone at convention, but what about special gifts for the tellers, assistants, and children’s class teachers? I’ve lowered the price by 20%. They are now as low as $4 each.
This lovely pamphlet is something you really can give to everyone at Convention to get them in the spirit of the upcoming celebration. Our Bicentenary pamphlet for the Birth of the Bab is even prettier than the one for Baha’u’llah, and it coordinates nicely with the folder that National produced. I will be reprinting this at least once more, but I will plan on running out before the big day, so don’t wait.
Every year, wise Assemblies order our Convention Pen and Folder set. They are a dignified and affordable way to make sure everyone has a pen and their convention materials stay together. If you already have folders, you can order the pens separately.
Last, and yes, probably least, is our star paper clips for holding convention materials together. They are a little thing, but they make your packet special. At less than 20 cents each, it is an affordable way to add a little color and interest to your pile of papers.

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