When You’re Down and Troubled


Borrowing its title from a favorite song, this selection of 19 comforting quotations includes five prayers for assistance that will comfort whomever you share it with.


Availability: Only 4 left in stock

75 cents each

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50 cents each
SKU: BKT-220

Borrowing its title from a favorite song, this selection of 19 comforting quotations includes five prayers for assistance.

It will be welcomed by anyone facing financial difficulties, family problems, sadness, or despair. It reminds us that God is our friend, that He will assist us, and that the “sea of joy” yearns to attain our presence. As the old world crumbles around us, it reminds us that we are all under God’s protection, and that material wealth and poverty are both temporary conditions.

Its small size and beautiful design makes it a welcome and non-intimidating introduction to some of the most beautiful Baha’i scriptures you love. This 7-panel fold-out booklet is 3.5Ă—4.5″ and fits easily in a shirt pocket,

Scan through the pictures to see all of the inspiring quotations that are included.

This is book four in our “Comfort Booklet” series, which includes When You’re Down and Troubled, In Search of Healing, Neither Gone nor Forgotten and Tell Me about God’s Love for Me. The entire collection is available as a set here.

“I love the specific pamphlets (the four-pack of foldouts) you sent because they’re so easy to read and so comforting! People will love them. I’m going to include them in my hand-delivered (to my neighbors in my high-rise) Christmas cards, if appropriate.” (a happy customer)

Concept and design by Matthew Levine.  Edited by Justice Saint Rain.

Weight.15 lbs

10 pack, 50 pack


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