I AM – Affirmations for a New Generation


Fourteen short kid-friendly “I AM” affirmations, followed by mini-poems that elaborate the qualities being affirmed. Beautifully Illustrated by Elaheh Bos.

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I AM – a strong believer in the power of affirmations. I write about them in my books, and I create things like Character Coins, Adult Affirmation Comfort Coins, Cuddlebunny Comfort Coins and Virtue Affirmation Coloring Books.  Affirmations help generate positive self-talk that encourages healthy behavior and emotional resilience.

So you will not be surprised to learn that I love this little booklet.

It offers fourteen short “I AM” affirmations, followed by little mini-poems that elaborate on the qualities being affirmed. Some are free-verse, while others have a sing-song rhyme to make them easier to remember. For example:

The kind of smart that innovates, demonstrates and elevates
I build, I make, and I create.
I am smart, and I am here to do my part.

Other affirmations include: I am beautiful, I am free, I am strong, I am a hero, I am grateful, I am unique, I am capable, I am loved, I am patient, and several more.

The illustrations by Elaheh Bos beautifully illustrate the diversity of humanity. Most children will see themselves represented in one of the sixteen children pictured.

It is 24 pages plus cover. It is has a stapled binding, so it lays flat for reading, but it looks like it is perfect bound. It is 5.5×5.5 square.


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