American/Baha’i 2021-2022 Wall Calendar NOT this one

Still good through the rest of 2022, they are now on sale for 20% off!

The new 2021-2022 calendars are more beautiful than ever. They have every Baha’i Feast and Holy Day PLUS all major US Holidays clearly marked. Their names are listed on the right.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU: bc-2122

These run out in less than 6 months, so I am marking them as Out of Stock so people don’t order them thinking they are for next year. If you REALLY want a 2022 calendar, call me and I’ll change the stock for you.

We’ve been making these two-year calendars for several years now. We’ve fine-tuned their design to give you the very best in beauty and utility.

They are:

More useful: Our calendars include popular American holidays alongside Bahá’í Feasts and Holy Days. You can tell, for example, when Thanksgiving falls in relation to the Day of the Covenant. National holidays, and other important days like Mother’s Day are marked with squares, while Bahá’í Feasts and Holy Days are marked in different colors of circles.

More beautiful: I am thrilled to be able to use the artwork of Colette Odya Smith on both sides of my new 2021-2022 American/Baha’i Wall Calendar. Her work is so beautiful, it often makes me want to weep, but these two pieces will make you want to sing. 2021 is “The Secret Door,” and includes the quotation “Every created thing in the whole universe is but a door leading into His knowledge…” 2022 continues the theme of openings with a piece called “Inside the Garden.” The quotation for it reads “The gates that open on the Placeless stand wide…” I encourage you to visit her website to see scores of additional works that will amaze and inspire you.  

Easier to read: This 2-sided calendar displays 12 months on each side, starting in January and ending with December, with months arranged horizontally so you will find them where you expect them to be. The numbers are big and bold, and they change color at the beginning of each Bahá’í month to make it easier to visualize the change of the months in the Bahá’í year. A complete list of all holidays can be found in the right-hand column on BOTH sides, so you don’t need to flip it over to see what Holy Day it is, or whether you should ask to get off of work. The list of holidays is color-coded and listed chronologically for easy reference.

It comes scored and folded in half for easy shipping, unless you choose our new 50-pack, in which case they ship flat.

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