The centenary of the passing of Abdu’l-Baha was observed November 27 2021. Scores of communities used this opportunity to give a dignified portrait of Abdu’l-Baha to every Baha’i in the community. If yours didn’t, don’t worry. Every year there are multiple occasions when these photos will make nice gifts, or you can just order one for yourself!
For some reason, photos of Abdu’l-Baha have become difficult to find. Either they are of poor quality, or they are very expensive. We’ve solved that problem by offset printing these in large enough quantity that we can afford to sell them at a reasonable price in bulk. This means that they are printed on card stock with a soft gloss that looks almost exactly like photographic paper. I was absolutely thrilled by the quality when they arrived.
The image we chose is the only known full-color photograph of him in existence. It was taken using a newly-developed technology when he was visiting Paris France in October 1911.
These are 8×10 prints on card stock with an aqueous coating that makes it look like a matte photo lab print. They are perfectly sized to slide into a standard frame. You can get a wide variety of frames at places like Dollar Tree for as little as $1 each. Â This makes them very valuable gifts on a very tight budget. For a little more, add a standard mat and put them in a 11×14″ frame.
For your convenience, I’ve photographed three of the $1 frames from Dollar Tree. If you don’t have a dollar tree in your area, you can order them by the dozen online. Note, however, that some frames don’t come with a stand and must hang. Choose the ones that work best for you.
If you are looking for a smaller photo that you can give to everyone, including guests – or to insert into your program, consider our 5×8 B&W photo of Abdu’l-Baha smiling. This is also a nice size to give to children. For children, we also have pocket-sized photographs that they can tuck in their prayer book or keep by their bed. One is a flat 3×4 card, the other is a fold-over business card size.
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