Abdu’l-Baha, Serving Humanity – Stories to Inspire – with free photo


Abdu’l-Baha, Serving Humanity  is a perfect compliment to the Central Figures Story Books children love so much.


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A new installment in the Central Figures Storybooks series has arrived. This fourth book expands on the collection of stories presented in Loving All the World. Like previous installments in this series, it is a masterpiece. As a special bonus, you will receive a free 5×8 black & white photo of Abdu’l-Baha with each book.

Abdu’l-Baha, Serving Humanity, will bring the life of Abdu’l-Baha alive for your children, and help them feel closer to Him than ever before. Soul-stirring stories, illustrated by twenty different artists each capture a different aspect of His unique character – His wisdom, His humor, His courage, His compassion. It will be impossible for them to not fall in love with him.

Each of the included twenty-nine stories is true. They cover the full range of His life, from early childhood to His final years. Some are being told in English for the very first time, so your children aren’t the only ones who will learn from this beautiful collection. Here is what the publisher says about this new volume:

True stories about the soul-stirring life and powerful actions of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá come alive in our new book—‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Serving Humanity. Did you know that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s service to humanity includes playing jump-rope with kids and sharing sugar with a mouse? Or that as a youth, He galloped His horse ahead of everyone to snatch a few moments of rest—until His horse gave Him a little kick to wake Him up again? Can you imagine Him applauding a little girl who outraces all the boys on her pony? Or upending social conventions in Paris, a mountain town in Colorado, and His home in ‘Akká, by insisting that all are welcome? You’ll find these stories and many more featured in our new book: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Serving Humanity.
Accomplished authors recount stories that draw the heart and inspire action as they portray ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s actions as a young adult and throughout His momentous travels in Europe and North America. In rich, glowing color and splendid detail, 29 artists bring the stories to life in this beautifully illustrated, hardcover book—a book to inspire children and families to use their power to change the world.

You read that right –  twenty-nine different artists bring the stories to life in 150 pages of rich, glowing color and splendid detail. The result is a beautifully illustrated, hardcover book that will inspire children and families to use their own spiritual qualities to change the world.

In addition to the stories, there are many illuminated quotations so children get a feel for what He said and how He spoke.

This is a perfect gift for your children and their friends. While reading these stories, they will enter a new world, a true world, and  accompany ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as He embraces humanity’s diverse peoples and personalities. Along the way, they will witness how He upends racial prejudice and gender stereotypes, and puts into practice the love that melts opposition and builds a world of peace, justice, and joy.

Note: This labor of love was independently published by many of the same people who created the original Central Figures Storybooks. It is the same format and high quality, but it is not published by the National Spiritual Assembly.

Hardbound 8.75×8.75 176 pages with glossary and bibliography.


From cradle days to elder years, we all enjoy —perhaps need — stories. Stories can help us to appreciate so very many wonders of this world, including the beauty of diversity, and to see paths toward unity. Stories such as are in this collection also uplift our hearts and draw us nearer to Abdu’l-Baha. — Jacqueline Left Hand Bull

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