Random Orphan Shirts

This week I’m cleaning out my closet.

I started by finding a box of beautiful 100% cotton long-sleeve mock-turtleneck shirts and tested out my gold and silver interfaith design on them. It was a great combination, so I’m printing up the 20 I have and am offering them at a special $11.95 price. With fall around the corner, grab one while you can.

You choose the size. I choose design & color

Are you brave enough to order a random Baha’i T-shirt? 

I also decided that it is time to clear out all of the random T-shirts that have been piling up. These are perfect, or near-perfect shirts, but they have discontinued designs or colors, or got returned for some reason. I’m offering them at only $5 each, with the thought that people might buy them and then decide which of their friends or community members might like them.
You get to choose the size, but I choose the color and design. The supply is limited, so if you are interested, grab a few.

Flawed but fun.

Flawed but Fun Seconds

Feeling a little lopsided? Perhaps a little fuzzy around the edges?

As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I make a mistake when I print a shirt. It might be crooked, or fuzzy, or the shirt might have a small stain that will probably wash out, but I really can’t sell a washed shirt. Sometimes I even print things upside down – but only when the design looks good that way.

But they are still T-shirts, and 90% of the time no one will notice the mistake.

But I did.

So I’m offering them to you for less than the cost of the shirt – $2 each – simply because I hate to throw things in the trash. In fact, can I tell you a secret? Most of the shirts I wear myself are my seconds. I’ve never once had someone say “why are you wearing a shirt with a mistake on it?” Go figure.

Supply is limited (I hope) so order while you can.

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