Bahai Magnets and Mirrors

MAGNETS:  Every button design we make is also available as a super-strong 2-1/4” round magnet. Use them to hold your Baha’i Calendar to your refrigerator and your office schedule to your filing cabinet, or give them as gifts.  Two additional designs are based on quotations about the magnetic properties of Service and Kindness.  There are also 3 star magnets for cars in this category, and of course our amazing Virtues Alphabet Refrigerator Magnet set.

MIRRORS: Just as magnets demonstrate the law of attraction, mirrors illustrate the principle of reflecting God’s virtues. That’s why we’ve created a special selection of pocket mirrors with themes that reflect on their special properties.  These handy 2-1/4″ round pocket mirrors are easy to carry in your purse, make great conversation pieces, and are affordable gifts for friends and older children.

Magnets, Mirrors and buttons all look the same on the front, so make sure you use the right stock number when you order them.  BN- for Button, MAG- for Magnet and MR- for Mirror

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