Bahai Sacred Writings, Compilations
Prayers & Meditations
Biographies and History

These are our texts of the Baha’i Revelation – the writings of Baha’u’llah, the Bab, and Abdu’l-Baha. Several are available in multiple editions, depending on your budget and intended recipient. Every other book on this site is secondary to these. No scholar, no historian, no institution can tell you what these words mean.  They are between you and God.   — Enjoy

When Baha’u’llah describes His revelation as an “ocean,” He is not exaggerating. No matter how long you’ve been a Baha’i, there will always be more to learn, or some principle to explore more deeply.

The books here will help you explore the principles of the Faith more deeply, and to find practical applications for them in your own life.  Some are broad explorations of a wide range of Baha’i teachings, while others dive deeply into just one or two.

No matter which area you decide to explore, you will find pearls of wisdom that you never dreamed existed. Enjoy.

And Remember

Every Bahai needs at least two, one to use and one to give a friend.

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