Meditations on the Life to Come, Comfort and Prayers from Many Faiths by Interfaith Resources – Booklet


Interfaith Meditations on the Life to Come

Case priced at $1.30 each, they are $1.50 in packs of 50 and $2.50 in packs of 5.

Bring comfort to the sick, the dying and their loved ones – that is what you try to do every day, and that is what this lovely booklet will help you do even better. No matter what your patient’s spiritual path, they will find words of comfort in this collection of over 200 short quotations, prayers and poems from around the world and across ten different faiths.

The 4.75×7″ size is easy to carry, and can slip into a standard A7 envelope. It is 64 pages with large type for older eyes, and dark teal type for easy reading and a gift-book feel.

$2.50 each
$1.50 each
$1.30 each
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Interfaith Meditations on the Life to Come

Formatted exactly like our Book of Comfort and Healing, this collection of reassuring quotations helps people face the next stage in life’s eternal journey. It includes short quotations from ten major religions plus words of wisdom from poets and philosophers throughout the ages and around the world.

Designed to be both comforting and educational, this interfaith compilation will leave you looking forward to the next life. It is appropriate for anyone facing end-of-life issues, either for themselves or a loved one. It is equally interesting for people of any age or disposition who are simply curious about what the world’s great Prophets, poets and philosophers have to say about the soul and the afterlife.

Give this to anyone who is approaching the end of their earthly life, as well as any friends and relatives who are struggling to accept the coming loss.

These beautiful booklets were designed to be given away in hospital chapels, nursing homes, hospices, and funeral homes, but I am sure that Baha’is will find a myriad ways to use them in their teaching work. They contain over 200 short prayers and quotations from ten different religions and dozens of philosophers, writers and poets, with an emphasis on the six major world religions, including Baha’i.  Also available in a Gift Edition.

Chapters include:

You Are Made of More than Dust  — 1

Your Soul Reflects the Divine  — 3

Your Soul is Eternal  — 7

Your Soul Is Going Home  — 13

The Journey Home Is One We All Must Take  — 16

Preparing for the Journey  — 18

A Glimpse of Your Home Beyond  — 23

Prayers for the Departed  — 29

Comfort for the Friends Left Behind

It Is OK to Grieve  — 35

Tests Serve a Purpose  — 37

Death Is a Gift  — 39

God Will Comfort Us  — 41

We Will Meet Again  — 43

Poems of Comfort  — 45

Prayers for Those Who Grieve  — 52

Baha’is will want to offer a stack to every hospital, doctor’s office, health clinic, nursing home, hospice, mental health center, and funeral home in your area. Anyone who reads it will be comforted, and will also be impressed by the beauty and power of the many Bahá’í quotations included.

Interfaith Resources is a division of Special Ideas. This booklet was compiled by Justice St Rain and reflects the high-quality and attention to detail that you’ve come to expect from Special Ideas.

This booklet coordinates well with our Book of Comfort and Healing and the sympathy card/booklet Always – Assurances that Our Loved Ones Are with Us Always.

It is 64 pages long, 4.75×7, so it fits our A7 envelope.  Easy-to-read 14-point type almost qualifies as “Large Print” so it is easy for older people to read. Inside text is the same dark teal blue as the cover border. Cover art is by Joe Paczkowski.

NOTE: We ship cases by media mail unless you choose Priority Shipping. Media Mail takes 6-10 days except for AK & HI, which take 30 days.


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