The goal of Twelve Steps and the Bahai Faith is to explain to people in recovery how the Baha’i Writings can help them develop a closer connection to their Higher Power, and to describe to members of the Baha’i Community how the twelve-step program works and what they might gain by joining a recovery group. I know, this is hard for many people to hear, but it is true. Even if you don’t think you have anything to recover from, the truth is that life is difficult, and we all need help recovering from the human condition. With dozens of twelve-step groups to consider, chances are good that at least one of them will speak to a need that you have been trying to ignore. When Baha’is in recovery talk about what they experience in the recovery community, the words they use are Honesty, Authenticity and Unconditional Love. Isn’t that enough to at least make you want to check it out?
I hope that Baha’is buy this book and read it, and that after they have read it they start handing it out by the dozen to the people they know who might be struggling with addictive or compulsive behaviors. Addictions are not happy things to talk about, but this is a happy book. It will give you hope for your friends and for yourself.
You know that I am a Baha’i, and if you have read any of my books, you have probably guessed that I also have a lot of experience with the twelve-step recovery community. I love both of these communities, and I feel in my heart of hearts that they have a lot to offer each other.
You will note that I didn’t say that people in recovery can gain a lot from becoming Baha’is. I said that the two communities have a lot to offer each other.
I firmly believe that when people in recovery are exposed to the Baha’i Writings, they will become attracted to the Baha’i Community, and when the Baha’i Community internalizes the lessons that the Recovery Community has to teach, they will become attractive to the entire world. It is win/win all the way around.
It is only 96 pages long. You can read it in an afternoon, and it might just change your life.
It is a wonderful companion to Living with an Alcoholic, which presents some of the same ideas from the other side.
For an additional (and shorter) perspective on the relationship between the Baha’i Faith and twelve-step programs, you can read an excellent article here.
12-step, twelve-step, alcoholic, alanon, aa, coda, acoa, addiction,
From an email –
I finally got 10 copies of your new book, thinking to give them out for Ayyam-i-Ha to everyone on the LSA to help the LSA as it grapples with personal issues (one of several tools I keep urging people to read–lol).
They came (from Amazon) a day late for Ayyam-i-Ha (I ordered late, my fault, I have been really really busy) which is good because I didn’t rush out to deliver them. Instead of giving them to Baha’is I have ended up giving 2 to inmates in the jail, and 1 to a friend who just got out of prison (the one who loved your book Why Me). And I have revised my list, but realize I need to get more.
It looks great by the way. I re-read the whole thing as soon as it arrived.
from a personal letter –
I am writing to thank you for your book 12 Steps and the Baha’i Faith. I truly appreciate your perspective on what each community has to offer the other. Your description of the steps has added a depth from the Baha’i perspective that I did not grasp before.
[I’m married to a person] with [many] years of sobriety, and I must say that their “practice” by far exceeds my growth of [many] years as a Baha’i.
…as you explained, people in recovery who work at it are great at community building, honesty, unconditional love and authenticity. As it turns out, [they are] a great example in so many ways of what it means to be a Baha’i.
…Your book has opened up more conversations and helped us see our similarities. I just finished it, and now [they] want to read it while on a retreat.
I am sure this will open up their understanding of the Faith, as it did for my understanding of the 12-Step program.
So thankful and grateful for this book and your service!
E Bailey –
Showing this book to my AA friend and will let you know what we think then.
virtue99 –
Just received your book 12 steps, OMG it exceeded my expectations!!! Wish we had this long ago but I am sooo impressed, learning so much and ever so grateful. (From FB)