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4 Tools of Emotional Healing – Forgiveness, Honesty, Compassion & Faith
Book 2 of the Love, Lust and Longing for God trilogy
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Though they are not quite the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the painful emotions of shame, anger, loneliness and fear have destroyed countless lives. The need to numb and distract ourselves from them leads us to engage in behaviors that only draw us deeper into shame and isolation. We do not need distractions or drugs, we need healing. This healing is not about solving our problems; it is about making us whole.
This book explains how the qualities of honesty, forgiveness, compassion and faith can ease the pain of these negative emotions by filling the empty spaces they represent. Emotions are messengers. Positive emotions tell us when we are experiencing the presence of virtues such as kindness, and justice. Negative emotions tell us which virtues are missing in our lives. By developing our own capacity to practice these four core virtues, we not only heal our painful emotions, but we become masters of our own feelings. This book builds on the understanding of emotions explained in The Secret of Emotions, book one in the Love, Lust and the Longing for God trilogy, but is a stand-alone introduction to the practice of Honesty, Forgiveness, Compassion and Faith.
If you or someone you care about is struggling with anger, shame, loneliness or fear, this book will jump-start the healing process. This series can be used by therapists and treatment centers to build a foundation for a wide range of recovery programs.
This is by Justice Saint Rain, the author of The Secret of Happiness, and Why Me? – A Spiritual Guide to Growing Through Tests, and is written in the same easy-to-read conversational style that has made him a favorite. If you have liked his previous works, you will love this one, and will want to share it with friends. Once you read it, don’t forget to write reviews here and on Amazon and to encourage others to explore its healing message.
This book is the second of three in the Love, Lust and the Longing for God trilogy. Look for excerpts on our FaceBook page of the same name. Other books in the series include:
We also sell this book as an actual, physical book.
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