6 Children’s Books

Baha’i children today are so lucky. When I was a new Baha’i, we had one children’s book, called The Gift. Then, we got Secret in the Garden, and a handful of other books from Kalimat Press. Now, we have entire shelves dedicated to Baha’i children’s books. Every year new ones appear, and every year they get better.

Case in point: Here are six new Children’s books to inspire very young children to be kind, noble, detached, reverent and virtuous. They are amazing.

Two are prayer books, the other four can be given to non-religious families, schools, libraries and daycare facilities.  How can they be Baha’i books if they don’t mention religion, you may ask. The answer is that they teach children to love virtues, which is the same as loving God. And that’s what being a Baha’i is all about.

Click here, or on the picture, to see all six on our “Newest” page – along with our other newest products.

Bee Kind - Children's Book
Bee Kind – Children’s Book
Daughter of the Kingdom
Virtues We Practice

My Alphabet Journey Cover

Here’s a quick overview of what the books are about. Visit our website to read more detailed descriptions of each one.

Bee Kind: This Bee-utiful little book teaches kids twenty-one simple ways to show kindness and practice love, written as “I” statements.

My Alphabet Journey: An illustrated “elevated alphabet” that invites children to explore an ABC list of behaviors that build character and promote happiness.

I AM: Fourteen short kid-friendly “I AM” affirmations, followed by mini-poems that elaborate the qualities being affirmed.

Virtues We Practice: A cute teddy bear demonstrates what eleven child-friendly virtues look like in action. A Family Virtues Guide for toddlers.

Crown My Head: This new Baha’i Children’s Prayer Book has 12 prayers in 24 pages with charming illustrations. They make a perfect alternative to O God, Guide Me.

Daughter of the Kingdom: This single Baha’i prayer for girls in a 24-page book makes a perfect last book of the day bedtime ritual.

All six books are 24 pages long in a 5.5×5.5″ square format. They are each beautifully Illustrated in full color by Elaheh Bos, who also wrote/edited them.

American/Baha’i Wall calendar for 2021-2022

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