One Planet, One People . . . Please T-shirt


One Planet, One People…Please, the popular design from the 1970s has been revived with a religious twist, with the symbols of six major religions reinforcing the message of unity.

Available in Kids 2-4 on Black and kids 6-8, 10-12 and 14-16 on Black and Red
Adult S, M, L, XL, and XXL on Black, Red, Forest Green and Cyber Pink
3XL  and 4XL on Black

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+
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The return of a classic with an interfaith twist.

One Planet, One People…Please was a popular Baha’i slogan back in the 70’s. Then it referenced race unity and ending the cold war. Now our hatreds have expanded to include religion so the plea for seeing ourselves as children of One God is even more important.
In recognition of the changing nature of our need for unity, I’ve resurrected the old design with a modern twist.
This version uses the Baha’i star, the Jewish star, the Muslim crescent moon and star, the Christian cross, the Buddhist prayer wheel and the Taoist Yin Yang to highlight the need for religious unity.

The design transfer comes in two sizes, adult and kid’s, so it can fit all the way down to a small kid’s shirt. Kid’s sizes come in Black and Red. Adult sizes come in Black, Red, Cyber Pink and Forest Green. I thought I was out of silver transfers, but found some more, so the black with silver is back in stock.

To add Baha’i Faith in white to the left sleeve of this T-shirt, click here AFTER putting the T-shirt in your cart. (Adult sizes only.)

It is also available as a button or magnet.

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