z – Company Info

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Interfaith Resources

Interfaith Resources is here to serve you. We sell to both individuals and interfaith groups. Our most loyal customers are hospitals, hospices, chaplains, colleges and non-profit groups. We strive to provide you the service and the products you need at a price you can afford to pay.

Our best ideas came from people just like you. If you can imagine a useful product, it is likely that other groups would find it useful. Share your thoughts. Let us know how we can serve your needs.

We specialize in publishing comforting interfaith booklets suitable for use in Hospital Chapels, and by Chaplains and Hospice workers. Our booklets can be found in hospital waiting rooms across the country.

For treatment centers and therapists, we have a series of books on emotional healing.

Stickers and buttons are especially popular on college campuses. Students will put a sticker on a bookbag more readily that car owners will use a bumper sticker. Groups often purchase matching t-shirts by the dozens when hosting events or marching in parades.

We also carry a wide range of items with the Interfaith logo to create a welcoming atmosphere in your chapel or at your event. Golden Rule items are especially popular for highlighting the commonality of spiritual teachings across cultural divides.

Everyone loves our unique line of interfaith jewelry. Wear this jewelry to subtly let people know you are respectful of all faiths. These items also make the perfect gift.

Teachers and parents will find non-denominational character-building games and materials. This is such an important and growing market that we’ve opened a website just to showcase these items at www.virtues101.com.

Interfaith Resources is a division of Special Ideas, which has been producing inspirational and useful materials and books since 1981. You can think of us the interfaith version of Abby Press.

Normally, we are here Monday – Friday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST to help you with your purchases. We’re closed on holidays and weekends.

We want to hear from you. This form is the easiest method for us, but don’t hesitate to call us during business hours at 1-812-834-5691.


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